Home About


Hi there, welcome to my blog! My name is Duc Vu, and I am a senior studying applied mathematics and statistics at UCLA. I previously attended Pasadena City College as a math major and transferred during Covid-19 period :(. This blog is, in general, dedicated to my interest in machine learning and data science. In addition, some math related materials can be found here as well.

Course Notes

Since the beginning of the remote instruction period, I started to learn how to live-Tex and gradually got it up to the speed where I can comfortably take notes in live lecture. Since then, I have managed to put up a collection of some of the math lecture notes that I have taken during my undergrad years at PCC and UCLA. If you’re interested, please take a look at this. I hope you find them helpful to study/reference and also aesthetically pleasant to look at as math can be a very appealing subject.

Contact me

If you have any questions or feedbacks about anything here, please don’t hesitate to contact me at ducvu2718@ucla.edu!